Vulnerable population

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  1. Vulnerable groups / populations are people who, due to factors outside their control, do not have the same opportunities as other groups in society, or who are disproportionately exposed to health risks, often in efforts to meet their basic needs. Vulnerable populations often include children, women (e.g. pregnant women, mothers), and the elderly, and/or people with pre-existing severe physical or mental disorder and/or disability.
    These populations might be vulnerable to exposure (e.g. children playing on contaminated grounds) or vulnerable to the effects because of their development stage (e.g, children) or because of pre-existing health conditions (e.g. asthmatics and air pollution) (WHO, 2009).


Some disasters may involve extreme events that affect a vulnerable population directly, such that their livelihoods and lifelines that support their basic needs are disrupted for a significant period of time. However the disruption of livelihoods may also be indirect and, even though an emergency situation may not develop, people's vulnerability to future disasters can be increased (WHO, 2009).


Children are specifically vulnerable to the effects related to lead adn mercury exposures. They are often also vulnreable to exposure related to these substances (e.g. lead containing toys) (WHO, 2009).


  • WHO (2009) Health Impact Assessment Glossary: e-learning modules
