Storm water drainage

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Drainage of rainwater from roofs, courtyards and paved areas and conveying it away from buildings to a place of disposal (WHO 2006).
  2. A storm water drainage is a drainage designed to transport storm water, rain water, ground surface water and subsurface water during and following a rain storm (ASSE 2007).


A storm water drainage can be a small single plot residential drain, or a larger municipal drainage system. Storm water drainage should be separate from sewers. In some places unintended wet weather storm water flows enter sewers and can cause sewers to overflow. New building developments are increasingly required to retain and return storm runoff for reuse, or for ground water recharge through a ground water recharge system. Storm water drainage should always be separate from sewers (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).


A storm water drainage is a drainage system used to receive rainwater run off from the ground surface and transports that surface water to either a legal discharge point, or to a ground water recharge pit, or to an on site storage and retention tank where it can be reused (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).

