Roof drainage

Verzia z 10:31, 13. august 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky) (References)

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Conveyance of rainwater from a sloping roof by gutters and downspouts, or from a vertical roof by pipe, to a surface water sewer or suitable soakaway (WHO 2006).
  2. Roof drainage consists of all the roof components involved in the collection and removal of rain water from a building roof. It includes any onsite rainwater storage, or onsite retention tank, any above ground drain to a point where it is below ground or its connection point to an onsite ground water recharge pit (Standards Australia 2006).


Roof drainage consists of all the roof cover components from the apex of the roof to ground level, and includes the roof flashings and capping, the roof cover, the roof gutters, the roof downpipes and any above ground drains that convey rain water away from a building roof. It also includes any onsite above ground storage or retention tanks and any connection to a below ground storage or ground water recharge pit. (WHO 2006)


A roof drainage system is all the roof rainfall catchment components required to collect the rain falling on the roof and drain it to a place of disposal or storage for reuse (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008)

