Reinforced concrete reservoir

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  1. A storage place for clean water made of concrete strengthened with steel bars or mesh (WHO et al 2003).


Reinforced concrete reservoirs are used to store clean water for release on demand. They are usually made of concrete reinforced with steel bars or steel mesh, although some low-cost construction techniques use bamboo or other materials to reinforce the concrete. Reservoirs may also be made of masonry, or ferrocement. Chemical additives are often mixed with the concrete to make it more impermeable to water (WHO et al. 2003).

Reinforced concrete reservoirs are built at the site on a solid foundation. To protect the water from contamination, the reservoir is covered with a roof. In the top of the tank an aeration pipe with a screen allows fresh air to circulate in the tank. A manhole in the roof allows access to the tank for cleaning and repairs. Water flows into the reservoir through an inlet pipe above the water level in the reservoir. Outlets are built a little above the floor of the reservoir (WHO et al 2003).


