Recreational water

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  1. For the purpose of the Guidelines for safe recreational water environments, coastal and freshwater recreational environments are defined as any coastal, estuarine or freshwater area where any type of recreational usage of the water is made by a significant number of users (WHO 2003).
  2. Recreational waters refer to those natural waters used not only for primary contact activities, such as swimming, windsurfing, and waterskiing, but also for secondary contact activities, such as boating and fishing (Health and Welfare Canada 1992).


While uses may be diverse and the Guidelines are intended to be applicable to all type of use, most concern relates to uses entailing water contact an, in the case of wate quality, significant risk of water ingestion. (WHO 2003)



  • Health and Welfare Canada (1992) Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality. Prepared by the Federal-Provincial Working Group on Recreational Water Quality of the Federal-Provincial Advisory Committee on Environmental and Occupational Health.
  • WHO (2003) Guidelines for safe recreational water environments: Vol. Coastal and fresh waters
