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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Disease-causing organism that live in another organism termed the host, from which it draws nourishment (WHO et al. 1996).
  2. An organism that lives on or in another and draw its nourishment therefrom (Stedman's Medical Dictionary 2006).
  3. An organism that lives in a type of symbiotic relationship with another organism , the host. The parasite benefits from this prolonged, closed association, while the host is harmed (WHO 2009).


The disease state caused by a parasite infection can range from long-term debilitating to acutely fatal - evolutionary adaptation in the host/parasite relationship plays an important role (WHO 2009).


Examples include the malaria parasite (a protozoan infecting red blood cells of vertebrates), intestinal worms, blood flukes such as the species causing schistosomiasis and others (WHO 2009).


  • WHO (2009) Health impact assessment glossary: E-learning modules
  • (2006) Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th Edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins
  • WHO, FAO, UNEP and UNCHS (1996) [Agricultural Development and Vector-borne Diseases: Training and Information Materials on Vector Biology and Control, Slide Set Series]
