
Verzia z 01:22, 13. august 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky) (Importing text file)

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  1. The entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent in a host. Infection may or may not lead to disease symptoms (e.g. diarrhoea) (WHO 2006).
  2. The entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent in the body of humans and animals that may constitute a public health risk (WHO 2005).
  3. The presence in the body of viruses or organisms such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi or helminths which multiply or develop, completing all or part of their life cycle within the tissues of an animal or human host (infection may or may not lead to a disease state) (WHO, FAO, UNEP and UNCHS 1996).


Infection can be measured by detecting infectious agents in excreta or colonized areas or through measurement of a host immune response (i.e. the presence of antibodies against the infectious agent) (WHO 2006).


