Float valve

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. A valve that operates by means of a bulb or ball floating on the surface of a liquid in a tank or container. The rise and fall action operates a lever, which opens and closes the valve (WHO 2006).
  2. A float valve, commonly referred to as a float control valve, is an automatic valve used to control the water level in a water storage cistern or tank (Plumbing Working Group 2008).


A float valve, commonly referred to as a float control valve, is a simple form of control valve which regulates the water level in a storage container. The valve is activated by the water level. It has a lever arm with a ball float attached at one end. The arm and attached float supply the valve with mechanical force, enough to close the water valve attached to the opposite end. The valve opens as the water level is lowered below a pre set level (Plumbing Working Group 2008).


A float valve, commonly referred to as a float control valve, is found in cisterns, and water tanks. The float valve must ensure there is an appropriate air gap between the valve outlet and the highest overflow level of the water storage container to prevent any back flow from the tank storage into the drinking water supply (Plumbing Working Group 2008).

