Exposure assessment

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Evaluation of the exposure of an organism, system, or (sub)population to an agent (and its derivatives) (WHO (2004). IPCS Risk assessment terminology. Part 1: Generic terms)
  2. The process of estimating or measuring the magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure to an agent, along with the number and characteristics of the population exposed. Ideally, it describes the sources, pathways, routes, and the uncertainties in the assessment (WHO (2004). IPCS Risk assessment terminology. Part 2: Technical terms).
  3. The estimation (qualitative or quantitative) of the magnitude, frequency, duration, route and extent of exposure to one or more contaminated media. (WHO (2006) Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater.)


Exposure assessment is the third step in the process of risk assessment. Both definitions provided are consistent and interchangeable, depending on user's preferences. This definition may also apply for an event or situation.


It is important to conduct an exposure assessment as part of a human health risk assessment because it provides information about the nature of the source and route of exposure and the individuals who are exposed.

