
Verzia z 16:16, 17. júl 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky) (Importing text file)

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Liquid (e.g. treated or untreated wastewater) that flows out of a process or confined space.
  2. Liquid waste flowing out of a tank or sewage works, excrete. Faeces and urine.


Proper disposal of the effluent or liquid wastes of latrines is important for human health. Some of the demands for water, particularly for agriculture and fish breeding, can be met by reusing properly treated effluent, since the water quality requirements for these purposes are not as high as for drinking-water. Both industrial effluent and domestic sewage should be treated to minimize pollution risks. The treated wastes should not contain pathogens, because these could contaminate products and infect consumers, or be accidentally ingested by farmers during handling. When wastewater is reused, care should be taken to separate domestic effluent from industrial effluent, since the industrial effluent may contain chemicals harmful to health or the environment, such as heavy metals. While the microbial quality of treated effluent and sludge is the major health concern, chemical contamination is also a consideration. In particular, wastewater reuse may increase the nitrate and chloride content of the soil.



  1. WHO (2006) Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater.
  2. WHO (1992) A guide to the development of on-site sanitation
