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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. The term ecosystem can be defined as a system of dynamic interdependent relationships among living organisms and their physical environment. It is a bounded entity that has acquired self-stabilizing mechanisms and an internal balance that has been evolving over the course of centuries (YASSI et al. 2001).
  2. An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of all plants, animals and micro-organisms (biotic factors) in an area functioning together with all the non-living physical (abiotic) factors of the environment (WHO 2009).


Within a stable ecosystem one species does not eliminate another; otherwise the food supply of the predator species would disappear. Stable and balanced ecosystems will survive longest. An ecosystem cannot sustain massive amounts of materials and energy being consumed by one species without depriving other species and eventually endangering the viability the viability of the entire ecosystem. Similarly, and ecosystem's capacity to absorb wastes and to replenish soild and fresh water is not limitless (YASSI et al. 2001).



  • Yassi A, Kjellstrom, T, De Kok T. (et al.) (2001), Basic environmental health, Oxford
  • University Press.
  • WHO (2009) Health impact assessment glossary: E-learning modules
