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  1. “E-Agriculture” is an emerging field in the intersection of agricultural informatics, agricultural development and entrepreneurship, referring to agricultural services, technology dissemination, and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies. More specifically, it involves the conceptualization, design, development, evaluation and application of new (innovative) ways to use existing or emerging information and communication technologies (ICTs) (FAO, 2005).


E-Agriculture goes beyond technology, to promote the integration of technology with multimedia, knowledge and culture, with the aim of improving communication and learning processes between various actors in agriculture locally, regionally and worldwide.

Facilitation, support of standards and norms, technical support, capacity building, education, and extension are all key components to e-Agriculture (FAO, 2005).


There are several types of activity related to e-agriculture applications that are widely recognized around the world today. The delivery of agricultural information and knowledge services (i.e. market prices, extension services, etc) using the Internet and related technologies falls under the definition of e-Agriculture. More advanced applications of eagriculture in farming exist in the use of sophisticated ICTs such as satellite systems, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), advanced computers and electronic systems to improve the quantity and quality of production (FAO, 2005).

