Drilled wells

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. A hole mechanically bored in the earth to access a supply of water, oil, brine, or gas (WHO and IRC 2003).


Drilled wells, tubewells or boreholes give access to ground-water aquifers and facilitate abstraction of the water. They differ from dug wells in that the diameter is generally smaller, between 0.10–0.25 m for the casing. This does not allow a person to enter for cleaning or deepening.

Boreholes can be constructed by machine or by hand-operated equipment. The three main parts consist of a concrete apron around the borehole at ground level to direct surface water away from the well to a drainage channel, a lining below the ground to prevent it from collapsing, and a slotted pipe below water level, to allow groundwater to enter the well (WHO and IRC 2003)


