Domestic water meter

Verzia z 11:00, 23. júl 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky)

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. A device used to measure the amount of water used by a house (WHO and IRC 2003).
  2. A mechanical or electronic device used to measure the volume of water supplied to a consumer (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008)


Water meters provide the means to charge fees according to the volume of water delivered, and to influence water use via tariffs. Water meters consist of a device to measure flow, and a protective housing with an inlet and an outlet. A strainer over the inlet keeps larger particles out of the system. There are many types of water meter, but for ordinary domestic or public standpipe use, turbine meters are most common(WHO and IRC 2003).

A domestic water meter is usually fitted at the property boundary to measure the volume of water used. The meter data enables the water used to be charged on a user pay basis. The cost of water is one strategy to reduce water use. The efficient water use will reduce the overall supply demand.

A meter may also be installed within a property to measure specific water use, for example, the hot water use within a building, or water used in an industrial process (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).


A domestic water meters will increase in use as the true value of water is realised. They are commonly installed by the water supplier and located at the property boundary. Meters can produce data for both total community water usage, and or individual per head usage patterns.

The new smart water meter technologies enable water suppliers and consumers to access real time data on water and energy consumption within a building via remote sensing technology.

The water measured by a meter is critical for managing a sustainable water supply:

  • Data will measure supply and demand loads of water systems.
  • It will enable a supplier to plan for the efficient use of water.
  • It will measure the water footprint of a building owner/occupier, or an industrial process.
  • Data collected can be used to reduce water wastage and infrastructure costs (Victorian Women’s Trust 2007).

