
Verzia z 15:14, 7. august 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky) (Importing text file)

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  1. Removing settled solids from pits, vaults, tanks and septic tanks (WHO 1992).


The faecal material or sludges accumulating in septic tanks, single-pit or vault latrines and unsewered public toilets in urban areas must periodically be removed and hauled away. In many developing countries, however, reasonable emptying intervals are rarely observed due either to cost, inefficient emptying services or access difficulties. As a result, in many cities that rely on on-site sanitation systems only a fraction of the faecal sludge generated is collected and accounted for.

Faecal sludge collection, haulage and treatment strategies should, ideally, focus on decentralised solutions in order to minimise haulage distances, prevent the uncontrolled dumping of sludges, keep land requirements for individual treatment schemes modest and keep the distance to suitable agricultural areas short.


“On-site sanitation comprises a set of distinct activities. Much of the work is carried out by house-owners who have to invest in the construction of septic tanks or pit latrines. The maintenance, mainly desludging and disposal and treatment of the sludge, is usually carried out by private contractors.”

