Back siphonage

Verzia z 01:22, 13. august 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky) (Importing text file)

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Back siphonage is the reverse flow of water within a water supply system due to negative pressures in the pipe system enabling atmospheric pressure to force the flow of water backwards through a siphon action (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).
  2. The reversing of normal flow resulting from negative or subatmospheric pressures in the distribution piping of a drinking-water supply system (WHO 2006).


Back siphonage can occur as a result of excess demand such as fighting a fire where unusually large volumes are required and pressure is reduced (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).


Back Siphonage can be found if a water system is turned off, thus reducing the pressures to below atmosperic pressure and enabling the a negative or vacuum pressure to be formed drawing contaminated substances into the water system.

The draw down or emptying of a hot water unvented pressure storage container will create vacuum, thus back siphonage will take place if a vacuum breaker valve is not installed (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008)

