Back flow

Verzia z 11:05, 23. júl 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky)

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Slovak term: Slovenský termín
  1. Back flow is the unintended reverse flow of water or other substances into distribution pipes of drinking water from an unintended source which is capable of polluting the drinking water (American Society of Sanitary Engineering 2007).
  2. The reversing of the normal flow of water or other substances into the drinking-water distribution system from any unintended source (WHO 2006).


Back flow in a drinking water supply happens when pressure is reduced such that flow can occur in the direction opposite to the intended flow. This can result in flow of contaminated water into drinking water plumbing if there is a connection with contaminated water that allows that flow to occur. Plumbing codes demand that the integrity of a drinking water supply be protected at all times. The level of protection required is based on the potential level of risk. All plumbing codes for water supply systems specify the need for backflow protection (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).

Drainage systems should be designed and constructed so that sewage cannot enter buildings connected to the sewerage system in the event of backflow from the public sewers due to flood, blockage or any other cause (WHO 2006).


Where a water supply is connected directly to a potential contamination source such as an industrial process, and the correct protection devices are not installed, then in the event of a pressure drop in the drinking supply, contaminated substances from the industrial process will reverse flow or back flow into the drinking water supply (World Plumbing Council Working Group 2008).

