
Verzia z 15:14, 7. august 2014, ktorú vytvoril Vrut (Diskusia | príspevky) (Importing text file)

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  1. Raising plants or animals in water (WHO 2006).


Aquaculture is the ancient practices of fish culture, notably of carp and tilapia, and the growing of aquatic crops, such as water spinach, water chestnut, water calthrop and lotus(WHO 2006).

The public health aspects and the health-based targets for aquaculture are applicable to situations where wastewater is used indirectly - for example, discharged into surface waters, which are then used for aquaculture. Management of the health risks in these situations may require approaches that are different from those for the planned use of wastewater or excreta in aquaculture (WHO 2006).

Aquaculture can be used to remove contaminants from water through the use of aquatic plants (e.g., water hyacinths). The contaminants are either synthesized by, or bioaccumulated in, the aquatic plants, which ultimately are harvested for disposal. Aquaculture facilities are significantly more land-intensive than mechanical treatment methods but are simpler to operate (Symons et al. 2000).


