Name of the Project: University Scientific Park of Comenius University in Bratislava
ITMS: 26240220086
Name of the Project: University Scientific Park of Comenius University in Bratislava - 2nd phase
ITMS2014+: 313021D075

„We are Supporting Research Activities in Slovakia/ This project is co-financed from EU sources“
Project Partners:
Slovak University of Technology
Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Science
Number of Activity: 2.5
Name of Activity: Environmental Medicine for twenty-first century - Geographical Information System and Environmental Health
Referee of the Activity: Doc. RNDr. Eva Mičietová, PhD.
The research informatization and the transfer of knowledges into practice has been a long time the integral part of these activities. The complexity of nowadays solutions are all based on information technologies. In the environmental, medical and other fields like national economics, policies and socio-economic development of society are nowadays Geographical Information Systems the basic information tool although not frequently used in Slovak republic.
The main goal of this research activity is the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) to ensure the integrity, making analysis and accessing environmental and public data about the indicators and human health of the population. Likewise the development of specialised interactive tools for landscape risk factors assessment.