Legionnaires disease

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  1. The most severe and common form of pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila. Symptoms are nonspecific; however, the disease has a rapid onset and can be fatal (WHO 2007).
  2. Legionnaires’ disease is a severe respiratory illness characterized by pneumonia (AWWA 2006)


Legionnaires’ disease is usually caused by L. pneumophila, but in some cases one or more additional organisms may also be involved, resulting in a mixed (polymicrobial) infection. Culture of these co-infectors has revealed a wide spectrum of organisms, including aerobic bacteria (those that require free or dissolved oxygen, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis), anaerobic bacteria (those from environments without such oxygen), viruses and fungi (Roi and Rello 2003).


In 1976, an outbreak of severe pneumonia among the participants of the American Legion Convention in Philadelphia led to the description of Legionnaires’ disease by Fraser et al. (1977). The disease was found to be caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila ( Legionella after the legionnaires who were infected at the convention; pneumophila meaning “lungloving”), belonging to the family Legionellaceae.


  • AWWA (2006) Waterborne Pathogens Manual of Water Suppy Practices M48 Second Edition.
  • Fraser D et al. (1977). Legionnaires’ disease: description of an epidemic of pneumonia. New England Journal of Medicine, 297(22):1189–1197.
  • Roig J, Rello J (2003). Legionnaires’ disease: a rational approach to therapy. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 51:1119–1129.
  • WHO (2007) Legionella and the prevention of legionellosis.
